Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria
  • Students must be residents of Chandigarh only. 
  • Age group only from 12-18 years.
How to register for the contest:
How to get the entry/admission in the contest:

  • Students can register for contest till 25th May on www.aatmsammaanfoundations.org.
  • After 25th May, the registrations will be closed. (Date can be extended depending upon the enrollments) 
  • Eligibility test for entry/admission in contest will be of 30 days. 
  • Registered students will trace out M.C. related issues they are facing currently in and around area of their living.
o   They will lodge the complaint in M.C. Department.
o   They will register the same complaint with us also on www.aatmsammaanfoundations.org so that we also know the details of complaint.
o   As per Citizen Charter of M.C., Chandigarh, any complaint received by them should be resolved within 1-2 days. Still, students will be given 15 days time for coordination/ Liasoning and resolution of the complaint.
o   A student can lodge as many complaints with M.C. department but all those should be registered on ASF website also.
o   Any complaint lodged with M.C. Department but not registered with us, will not be considered.
o   No matter how many complaints have been registered/lodged, for admission/entry in the contest, one complaint has to be resolved within span of 15 days.
o   Photograph/video of the spot before the complaint and after the resolution is mandatory and to be provided by the students when asked for.
o   Students can take the help of their parents/ school administration as a support.
  • The student will enter in STAGE-2 only if any of the complaint lodged by him/her gets resolved.
    • Teams will be formed from all the students who will clear STAGE-1 and enter in STAGE-2.
    • Every team will identify an area and will do a survey in atleast 500 houses.
    • Every team will prepare a project report and identify the Municipal Corporations issue from which majority of people are suffering in that specific location.
    • Every team will raise that issue and lodge the complaint of same in Municipal Corporation Department.
    • Teams will be given a time span of 45 days to get the issue resolved.
    • Whosoever team will get the issue resolved, will be considered as winner and awarded with Trophy by Dr. Kiran Bedi and other Chief Guests. 

Note: All the students who will register for contest and lodging the complaint in M.C. department will be given a “Certificate of Appreciation”, no matter if the issue/complaint got resolved or not.

Category of Awards:
  • For students/ Team 
  • For School 
  • For one department from various dvisions of M.C. who would be resolving the issues most efficiently, in time and with accountability.
  • Special Awards for students have been introduced. Please click here to know the details
 Awards Range
  • A trophy will be given to every winning team 
  • Certificates to all participants 
  • An exclusive lunch with the Chief Guest.